Organic Essential Oil Blends

Blue Tansy Essential Oil

Blue Tansy

Blue Tansy Essential Oil This is probably the best organic essential oil you've never heard of. Blue Tansy Essential Oil is an absolute powerhouse of an oil and does some things that other natural herbs and oils just can't do. It it well known by those that deal with emotional issues like anxiety, panic attacks and depression. It is a nervous system balancer, which is why it works so well in restoring emotional and mental balance during times of peak stress. It is also a “go to” essential oil for infected wounds of all kinds. It has a magical type healing property when it comes to healing skin conditions. It is a natural anti inflammatory which probably explains why it works so well for arthritis pain relief and headaches.    Blue Tansy Oil can be used for respiratory health (which is real important now) as it cleans and disinfects the bronchial tubes and lungs. That's why it is recommended for severe asthma, allergies and natural bronchitis relief. It is naturally antimicrobial, so that is probably why it heals infections so quickly, where only one other oil I know of does. It should be in your “incurables” holistic medicine chest. It balances your hormones and is lethal to insects. Keep some handy as you can use it for many important concerns in your life! Benefits of Blue Tansy Essential Oil What are the Benefits of Blue Tansy Essentail Oil? Blue Tansy Oil is one of the best essential oils for anxiety, …

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Essential Oils for Bug Bites

essential oils for bug bites itching

Essential Oils for Bug Bites What is the best Essential Oils for Bug Bites Itching? There are thousands of bugs all around you at any one time. Most of the time they stay in their own space and feed off of nature. When your body gives off scents that they enjoy you become their prey, particularly with mosquitoes. Most bug bites are more annoying than harmful, excepting black widows and brown recluse spiders. Bee and Wasp stings hurt like heck, but are usually not overly harmful unless you hare allergic to their venom. They can pierce your skin and cause irritation, bumps and severe itching. Fortunately there are specific essential oils for bug bites itching and pain relief that really help. They can even act a as natural insect repellant so you don't get bit in the first place. Stop being a target for these insects seeking to feed off your skin and blood by using the best essential oils for bug bites below. Types of Bug Bites Types of Bug Bites on Skin. The marks they leave on your skin tell you what actually bit you. Look at the above picture of bug bites and see the most common types of bug bite marks on your skin. Here are the most common types of bugs that bite and leave marks: Mosquitoes Bees and Wasps Ticks Fleas Bed Bugs Mites Chiggers Spiders Ants The bugs that can cause the most harm long term are mosquitoes because they frequently spread bacterial …

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Best Essential Oil Diffuser

Best Essential Oil Diffuser Best Essential Oil Diffuser for Aromatherapy. Essential Oils hold the power of mother nature's finest natural healers. The pure plant essences are of the highest vibration substances on earth. They are gentle yet potent rejuvenators and life enhancing living beings (yes, plants are very alive.) These healing plants have very powerful sun energized nutrients and distinct energies that you can see, feel, touch, taste and smell. When you the powerful extracted oils (even just one single drop) into your body you can transfer that plant's vibration and energy to greatly enhance your own!)  Using the best essential oil diffuser with aromatherapy Essential Oils gives your mind and body a way to purify itself by just being in the area where the pure plant essences are being dispersed into the air and while you are cleansing your lungs and skin too. Using pure organic, wildcrafted natural essential oils makes sure you get the healing and rejuvenating effect you need, without added harmful chemicals or toxins. For every dis-ease or condition that you may face in your life, mother nature has an answer to make your life healthier, easier and more enjoyable!  Essential Oil Benefits What are the best Essential Oil Benefits? Organic essential oils are the vital essence of a plant, which includes the flowering parts, roots, leaves, bark, peels and plant resins. These pure essential oils are distilled or extracted in a specific way to make sure that each drop of the oil has therapeutic value …

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Essential Oils for Breathing

Essential Oils for Breathing One of the most common uses of essential oils is for respiratory and breathing difficulties. Choosing and using the right essential oil blends or individual oils can help you prevent breathing difficulty and get lasting respiratory relief. It can also help expel excess mucus and cleanse your lungs. You will discover the very Best Essential Oils for Breathing Easier below.   Organic Essential Oils for Breathing Difficulties make a big difference and don't have any harmful side effects like chemical medicines do. Essential oils for breathing easier are highly purified natural plant extracts that are super condensed into small drops that carry the full healing power of the whole plant. They are so powerful they are naturally antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal.   Specific individual essential oils and complementary essential oil blends have amazing lung cleansing capabilities, help relieve sinusitis and respiratory conditions. I use them before I go out to an area with lots of people where there can be a lot of smoking or before visiting a person in a hospital or on a cruise where you are around people from all over the world.     What Causes Breathing Difficulties? What Causes Breathing Difficulties? Breathing difficulty can be from exposure to allergens (see: natural remedies for allergies), exposure environmental toxins like strong chemicals, perfumes, smoke and other airborne particles, as well as bacterial or viral infections. It can also be because of heart and circulatory issues including high blood pressure or dental problems.   …

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Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil Ylang Ylang Essential Oil, is extracted from beautiful bright yellow ylang ylang flowers (Cananga odorata.). Ylang ylang are large tropical trees that are grown and cultivated in the tropical areas throughout Asia, especially Indonesia, Polynesia and the Philippine islands. Ylang ylang is prized for it's many uses and benefits of which you will learn shortly. What does ylang ylang smell like? Ylang ylang has a sweet flowery fragrance. The word ylang ylang means “flower of flowers” and was given its name because of the sweet floral highly fragrant scent it gives off. It is one of the main flower extracts used in the timeless classic perfume Chanel No. 5. It is also one of the most treasured and sought after essential oils. You'll see why ylang ylang essential oil is so beneficial to have in your home and holistic medicine kit.      What is Ylang Ylang Essential Oil Good For? What is Ylang Ylang Essential Oil Good For? Organic Ylang Ylang essential oil has so many uses. It is a fragrant and highly aromatic essential oil. Essential oil of ylang ylang is valued because modern research shows that it has positive effects on your immune health, blood flow and positive emotions, making it a natural remedy for your mind, body and spirit as well as many of your body's systems like your endocrine glands, cardiovascular system, reproductive system and digestive system. Ylang ylang essential oil is especially good for the following: Ylang Ylang Essential Oil …

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Essential Oils for Pain Relief

Essential Oils for Pain Relief What are the Best Essential Oils for Pain Relief? There are thousands of bugs all around you at any one time. Most of the time they stay in their own space and feed off of nature. When your body gives off scents that they enjoy you become their prey, particularly with mosquitoes. Most bug bites are more annoying than harmful, excepting black widows and brown recluse spiders. Bee and Wasp stings hurt like heck, but are usually not overly harmful unless you hare allergic to their venom.   You can use these essential oils for pain and inflammation. They can pierce your skin and cause irritation, bumps and severe itching. Fortunately there are specific essential oils for bug bites itching and pain relief that really help. They can even act a as natural insect repellent so you don't get bit in the first place. Stop being a target for these insects seeking to feed off your skin and blood by using the best essential oils for bug bites below.     Essential Oils for Headache Nothing works as fast as Essential Oils for Headache. There are 6 main types of headaches that can cause your head to pound with pain from mild to severe. I used to reach for the Naproxen before I discovered turmeric curcumin and organic essential oils. Now at the first sign of a headache, I reach for my essential oil headache relief kit. It includes the best essential oils for headache …

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Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus Essential Oil Organic Eucalyptus Essential Oil, what is Eucalyptus Oil and where does it come from? The essential oil of eucalyptus comes from the mighty eucalyptus trees, which are native to Australia and New Zealand and now grown and cultivated all around the world. Particularly in warm climates. Eucalyptus essential oil has been used for thousands of years, particularly by the aborigines of Australia as a potent and healing natural medicine.   The oil of eucalyptus is extracted from its leaves and flowers using a method called steam distillation and it is naturally antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial. It naturally repels insects like mosquitoes and ants and can help heal bug bites as well. It is very fragrant and can unblock stuffy noses and sinuses like nothing else. It is a respiratory system tonic and heals and protects. It is an excellent pain reliever, particularly for arthritis joint pain relief and muscle pain. It is also used in fragrances and as flavoring for foods.     Benefits of Eucalyptus Essential Oil What are the Benefits of Eucalyptus Essential Oil? Organic eucalyptus essential oils have a myriad of natural health and beauty benefits that can make you look and feel better than ever. They give natural topical pain relief like nothing else. It is an amazing smelling fragrant essential oil and one of the top oils in my personal collection. Here are the top health benefits of eucalyptus oil: Respiratory System Relief (Restores healthy bronchial function) Sinusitis Relief (Clears out …

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Best Essential Oils for Allergies

Best Essential Oils for Allegies Best Essential Oils for Allergies. Almost everyone on earth has some type of allergy or another. Some people have many allergies to many substances, and some have one main allergy that they would like to prevent or avoid completely. Fortunately essential oils can help stop allergic reactions to a lot of common allergens and give you safe and effective relief without the side effects or wear off of traditional pharmaceuticals or over the counter medicines.   The best essential oil for allergy relief can stop those sinus allergy headaches that nothing else can! They can be applied topically (usually with a carrier oil like almond or olive oil), inhaled in an inhaler or used as aromatherapy in a diffuser. They are very powerful histamine blockers that can give you peace of mind when allergies attack!     What Causes Allergies What Causes Allergies? Allergies can be caused by foods, plant substances, chemical substances, pet dander (skin) and hair. It can be caused by pharmaceutical medicines (correctly prescribed or not,) cigarette smoke, and heavy odors like perfumes. They can be severe allergies that can cause an allergic reaction that can stop your heart or breathing (anaphylactic shock.)   Always have some essential oils on hand for your allergies so it never gets to a serious allerigic reaction. Here are the most common types of allergies that can be the cause of your allergies: Smoke (Tobacco, Wood Burning, Chemicals Burning, even Weed) Pet Allergies (Dander, Hair, mites …

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Essential Oils for Ear Infection

Essential Oils for Ear Infection What is the best Essential Oils for Ear Infection? There are thousands of bugs all around you at any one time. Most of the time they stay in their own space and feed off of nature. When your body gives off scents that they enjoy you become their prey, particularly with mosquitoes. Most bug bites are more annoying than harmful, excepting black widows and brown recluse spiders. Bee and Wasp stings hurt like heck, but are usually not overly harmful unless you hare allergic to their venom.   They can pierce your skin and cause irritation, bumps and severe itching. Fortunately there are specific essential oils for bug bites itching and pain relief that really help. They can even act a as natural insect repellent so you don't get bit in the first place. Stop being a target for these insects seeking to feed off your skin and blood by using the best essential oils for bug bites below.     What Causes Ear Infections What Causes Ear Infections? Ear infections are usually middle ear infections that can muffle your hearing or cause vertigo and tinnitus symptoms (ringing in the ears.) It usually causes fluid to build up in your inner ear making it difficult to hear, as well as it can affect your balance or make you feel dizzy. It is common for swimmers (swimmer's ear) because they get chlorine and pool chemicals into their middle to inner ear and it will lead to …

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Best Essential Oils for Sleep

Best Essential Oils to Sleep

Best Essential Oils for Sleep Sleep deprivation is becoming increasingly common now days. It affects how you look, how you think and how you feel. It leads to serious illness like heart attack, hypertension (high blood pressure,) diabetes, weakened immunity (autoimmune issues,) arthritis and even ages you prematurely. Using the right essentail oils for insomnia you prevent this from happening so you can look and feel your best. It helps your social life too as you're not yourself when you haven't slept well. Discover the very Best Essential Oils for Sleep.   How do essential oils help with insomnia? Organic Essential oils work so well because they work on your emotions, mind and nervous system. The most common cause of insomnia is an overactive mind. One that is worrried about what may come or regrets from the past. These are things you have no control over, so it is wasted time and mental energy. Essential oils help relax your mind, boosts your mood so you don't feel so stressed about what you can't control. They allow you to just fall asleep so you can get the rest you need to be able to think clearly and feel great when you wake up.     What Causes Sleeplessness What Causes Sleeplessness? The inability to fall asleep or stay asleep for at least (6-9) hours per evening is referred to as Insomnia. Chronic insomnia is usually caused by stress. Stressful thoughts of any kind can keep your mind awake with emotionally charged …

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