Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

organic ylang ylang essential oil

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil, is extracted from beautiful bright yellow ylang ylang flowers (Cananga odorata.). Ylang ylang are large tropical trees that are grown and cultivated in the tropical areas throughout Asia, especially Indonesia, Polynesia and the Philippine islands. Ylang ylang is prized for it's many uses and benefits of which you will learn shortly.

What does ylang ylang smell like? Ylang ylang has a sweet flowery fragrance. The word ylang ylang means “flower of flowers” and was given its name because of the sweet floral highly fragrant scent it gives off. It is one of the main flower extracts used in the timeless classic perfume Chanel No. 5. It is also one of the most treasured and sought after essential oils. You'll see why ylang ylang essential oil is so beneficial to have in your home and holistic medicine kit. 


uses of ylang ylang esential oil


What is Ylang Ylang Essential Oil Good For?

What is Ylang Ylang Essential Oil Good For? Organic Ylang Ylang essential oil has so many uses. It is a fragrant and highly aromatic essential oil. Essential oil of ylang ylang is valued because modern research shows that it has positive effects on your immune health, blood flow and positive emotions, making it a natural remedy for your mind, body and spirit as well as many of your body's systems like your endocrine glands, cardiovascular system, reproductive system and digestive system. Ylang ylang essential oil is especially good for the following:

  • Ylang Ylang Essential Oil for Breast Enlargement
  • Ylang Ylang Essential Oil for Hair
  • Ylang Ylang Essential Oil for Skin
  • Ylang Ylang Essential Oil for Aphrodisiac
  • Ylang Ylang Essential Oil for Dogs

It can be applied directly to your skin or hair (enhances hair thickness and texture, as well as helps skin blemishes and eruptions.) Ylang ylang oil can also be burned as aromatherapy or incense to calm your nerves and uplift your mood. It is also one of the most pleasant smelling fragrances!


Ylang Ylang Essential Oil Benefits


Benefits of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
What Are the Benefits of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil? Organic ylang ylang essential oil has a myriad of natural health and beauty benefits that can make you look and feel your best ever. It relieves a lot of skin irritations and is great for hair loss and volume. It is a great smelling fragrant essential oil and one of the top oils for overall physical and mental wellness. Here are the top health benefits of organic ylang ylang essential oil:

  • Mental health (mood elevator, focused relaxation)
  • Hearth health (blood pressure stabilizer, lowers systolic and diastolic)
  • Natural anti-inflammatory (infections, bacterial, yeast, fungal, viral)
  • Lung health (asthma, allergies, pneumonia and breathing issues)
  • Infection symptoms (especially used in Asia for malaria)
  • Natural aphrodisiac (used as a sexual stimulator and pre event stress in men)

It is one of the essential oils that I do use regularly. It can help you improve your life (and your perception of life) and is fairly inexpensive too. I use it for most of my natural healing regimens, especially for the hair, skin, inflammation and natural immunity!


uses of ylang ylang essential oil


Uses for Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
What are the top Uses for Ylang Ylang Essential Oil? There so many uses for this amazing essential oil that just the top helichrysum oil benefits are listed here:

  • Mood Elevator
  • Relieves Depression
  • Relieves Anxiety
  • Lowers tachycardia or high heart rate
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Stimulates healthy natural oil production in your skin and on your scalp
  • Naturally repels flying bugs and kills insect larvae
  • Natural Aphrodisiac
  • Helps with Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Helps Gout and gouty arthritis
  • Relieves stomach upset
  • Helpful for pneumonia and lung conditions
  • Natural headache reliever
  • Helps with malaria and other similar conditions
  • Repels flying insects

Ylang ylang has natural antiseptic, immune boosting and skin and hair rejuvenating properties are what allows it to heal so deeply and give you so many uses for it to safely improve your health and wellbeing.


ylang ylang essential oil for hair loss


Ylang Ylang Essential Oil for Hair

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil for Hair loss and to strengthen and regrow new healthy shiny hair. Using organic essential oil of ylang ylang can help keep your hair on your head on not in your sink or on your brush. It also improves your scalp health, hair texture and hair follicle strength. You can simply add a few drops of organic ylang ylang essential to a carrier oil like coconut, almond or jojoba oil.


Work it throughout your hair and massage it into your hair follicles. Let it sit for a good while (20 minutes to an hour, or overnight with a cap for deep hair renewal.). Ylang ylang essential oil can make your hair look shiny and healthy and not overly damp looking. It protects it from things that are flying around in your environment so they don't stick to your hair as easily. It smells great too so it give it the look, feel and smell that others will notice in a positive way.


ylang ylang for skin


Ylang Ylang Essential Oil for Skin

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil for Skin Benefits. Essential oil of ylang ylang is a natural tissue regenerator and healer that can reverse erupted and damaged skin. Ylang ylang for skin helps restore your natural skin texture, proper hydration and skin tone in a natural balanced way. Ylang ylang oil eases away minor skin irritations caused by infection, like acne, psoriasis and eczema.


Although if it major skin issue, I'd would use the Helichrysum Italicum Essential Oil (you can find it in the menu section above) as it is the most powerful healing essential oil, and one of the pricier ones. But it is worth it because it has saved a severely infected big toe that nothing else would touch! Ylang ylang essential oil is a natural anti-aging essential oil that brings back that natural skin glow seen in radiant healthy vibrant people. It can reduce crows feet and skin wrinkling by restoring skin collagen, skin elasticity and deeply hydrates your skin. It is an all around skin protectant and healer.


Organic Frankincense OIl


Essential Oil Blends With Ylang Ylang

Essential Oil Blends with Ylang Ylang. Make sure you are using therapeutic grade essential oils that are grown and harvested Organically because these oils are highly concentrated and if made with herbs or flowers grown with chemicals and pesticides (like most popular brands of essential oils) these toxins can be highly concentrated and damage your skin, DNA and immune system.


All the essential oils recommended here along with the carrier oils (get them here) are made with wildcrafted, non-GMO, organic and pesticide free herbs. Here are a few recipes for ylang ylang essential oil:

  • Scar Healing – Use this blend to heal from scars, stitches, stretch marks, and acne pits (15 drops frankincense oil, 7 drops helichrysum italicum oil, 7 drops lavender oil mixed with a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil, shea butter or ideally Organic CBD Oil. Apply regularly throughout the day and before you go to sleep at night.)
  • Skin Healing – Use this blend to heal from acne, eczema, psoriasis and skin eruptions (15 drops frankincense oil, 7 drops helichrysum italicum oil, 7 drops lavender oil mixed with pure medical grade Manuka Honey. I can only recommend medical or therapeutic grade manuka for this preparation as it has the most micronutrients needed and proven to heal from skin issues. Apply regularly throughout the day and before you go to sleep at night.)
  • Hair Regrowth and Strengthening You can simply add a few drops of organic ylang ylang essential to a carrier oil like coconut, almond or jojoba oil. Work it throughout your hair and massage it into your hair follicles. Let it sit for a good while (20 minutes to an hour, or overnight with a cap for deep hair renewal.).
    Arthritis and Pain Relief (20 drops of frankincense oil, 20 drops myrrh essential oil, 10 drops ginger essential oil into a base oil like fractionated coconut oil or jojoba oil. Rub directly into your area of pain or into joints.)
  • Anti-Aging Skin Care (4 drops ylang ylang essential oil, 4 drops frankincense oil, 3 drops carrot seed oil, 3 drops lavender oil, 2 drops lemon essential oil.  Mix with a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil or jojoba oil. Best with organic CBD oil as a carrier as it is a powerful skin rejuvenating oil!

There are more recipes for individual conditions available on the information page for ylang ylang Organic Essential oils shown below (or by clicking on the essential oil of ylang ylang image below.)


Ylang Ylang 3 Essential Oil


Best Ylang Ylang Essential Oil III

Which is the Best Ylang Ylang Essential Oil III? My personal favorite frankincense essential oil is Jade's Organic Ylang Ylang Essential Oil (pictured above.) It is the one that has shown the most hair and skin healing as well as natural medicinal effects. It has the most powerful immune boosting effects to protect you from airborne pathogens (particularly when used as an aromatherapy oil in a diffuser or inhaler.) 


You can use organic essential oils like ylang ylang essential oil by itself or with other pure organic essential oils or CBD hemp oil, blended with a carrier oil as a skin rub or as an aromatherapy healing blend in an inhaler or essential oil diffuser. You can use it as drops in a tea to soothe digestive disorders too. It can be used with acupressure or reflexology points on your body that stimulate pain relief and restore circulation to the areas that are being blocked by pain and inflammation signals. For more information visit: Jade Organic Essential Oils.

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