Blue Tansy Essential Oil This is probably the best organic essential oil you've never heard of. Blue Tansy Essential Oil is an absolute powerhouse of an oil and does some things that other natural herbs and oils just can't do. It it well known by those that deal with emotional issues like anxiety, panic attacks and depression. It is a nervous system balancer, which is why it works so well in restoring emotional and mental balance during times of peak stress. It is also a “go to” essential oil for infected wounds of all kinds. It has a magical type healing property when it comes to healing skin conditions. It is a natural anti inflammatory which probably explains why it works so well for arthritis pain relief and headaches. Blue Tansy Oil can be used for respiratory health (which is real important now) as it cleans and disinfects the bronchial tubes and lungs. That's why it is recommended for severe asthma, allergies and natural bronchitis relief. It is naturally antimicrobial, so that is probably why it heals infections so quickly, where only one other oil I know of does. It should be in your “incurables” holistic medicine chest. It balances your hormones and is lethal to insects. Keep some handy as you can use it for many important concerns in your life! Benefits of Blue Tansy Essential Oil What are the Benefits of Blue Tansy Essentail Oil? Blue Tansy Oil is one of the best essential oils for anxiety, …
Read More »Essential Oils for Bug Bites
Essential Oils for Bug Bites What is the best Essential Oils for Bug Bites Itching? There are thousands of bugs all around you at any one time. Most of the time they stay in their own space and feed off of nature. When your body gives off scents that they enjoy you become their prey, particularly with mosquitoes. Most bug bites are more annoying than harmful, excepting black widows and brown recluse spiders. Bee and Wasp stings hurt like heck, but are usually not overly harmful unless you hare allergic to their venom. They can pierce your skin and cause irritation, bumps and severe itching. Fortunately there are specific essential oils for bug bites itching and pain relief that really help. They can even act a as natural insect repellant so you don't get bit in the first place. Stop being a target for these insects seeking to feed off your skin and blood by using the best essential oils for bug bites below. Types of Bug Bites Types of Bug Bites on Skin. The marks they leave on your skin tell you what actually bit you. Look at the above picture of bug bites and see the most common types of bug bite marks on your skin. Here are the most common types of bugs that bite and leave marks: Mosquitoes Bees and Wasps Ticks Fleas Bed Bugs Mites Chiggers Spiders Ants The bugs that can cause the most harm long term are mosquitoes because they frequently spread bacterial …
Read More »Best Essential Oil Diffuser
Best Essential Oil Diffuser Best Essential Oil Diffuser for Aromatherapy. Essential Oils hold the power of mother nature's finest natural healers. The pure plant essences are of the highest vibration substances on earth. They are gentle yet potent rejuvenators and life enhancing living beings (yes, plants are very alive.) These healing plants have very powerful sun energized nutrients and distinct energies that you can see, feel, touch, taste and smell. When you the powerful extracted oils (even just one single drop) into your body you can transfer that plant's vibration and energy to greatly enhance your own!) Using the best essential oil diffuser with aromatherapy Essential Oils gives your mind and body a way to purify itself by just being in the area where the pure plant essences are being dispersed into the air and while you are cleansing your lungs and skin too. Using pure organic, wildcrafted natural essential oils makes sure you get the healing and rejuvenating effect you need, without added harmful chemicals or toxins. For every dis-ease or condition that you may face in your life, mother nature has an answer to make your life healthier, easier and more enjoyable! Essential Oil Benefits What are the best Essential Oil Benefits? Organic essential oils are the vital essence of a plant, which includes the flowering parts, roots, leaves, bark, peels and plant resins. These pure essential oils are distilled or extracted in a specific way to make sure that each drop of the oil has therapeutic value …
Read More »Essential Oil of Peppermint
Essential Oil of Peppermint Peppermint Essential Oils are the second most common essential oil next to lavender. Everyone knows what peppermint smells like and tastes like. Organic peppermint oil has so many uses and benefits, for beauty, for cleaning, for insect control and for extreme health benefits. You'll discover the absolute Best Essential Oil of Peppermint you can get on the planet. It should be in your cupboard, medicine chest as well as in your bedroom. It's one of those essential oils that you should never be without, that's how useful it is. Peppermint is a hybrid between spearmint and watermint and is the most flavorful and beneficial of all the mints. Essential oil of peppermint is used for dental hygiene and disinfection, as well as dressings for wounds to prevent infection. It is one of the most common teas as well. It is used in beauty products like shampoos, soaps, aromatherapy, and even to repel insects. It excels at all of these. It not only smells and tastes pleasant but is effective for many health conditions and has many uses. What Does Peppermint Essential Oil Do? What does Peppermint Essential Oil Do? Organic Peppermint Essential Oil uses are almost endless. It is the top essential oil for stomach ache and migraines. It is a natural pain reliever and infection fighter. It helps you breathe more clearly and deeper. It is a lung cleaner. It helps with proper dental hygiene and freshens your breath and helps fight tooth decay …
Read More »Essential Oils for Bronchitis
Essential Oils for Bronchitis One of the most common uses of essential oils is for bronchitis and breathing difficulties. Choosing and using the right essential oil blends or individual oils can help you prevent breathing difficulty and get lasting respiratory relief. It can also help expel excess mucus and cleanse your lungs. You will discover the very Best Essential Oils for Bronchitis below. Organic Essential Oils for Bronchitis, COPD, Emphysema and breathing difficulties make a big difference and don't have any harmful side effects like chemical medicines do. Essential oils for breathing easier are highly purified natural plant extracts that are super condensed into small drops that carry the full healing power of the whole plant. They are so powerful they are naturally antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal. Specific individual essential oils and complementary essential oil blends have amazing lung cleansing capabilities, help relieve sinusitis and respiratory conditions. I use them before I go out to an area with lots of people where there can be a lot of smoking or before visiting a person in a hospital or on a cruise where you are around people from all over the world. What Causes Breathing Difficulties? What Causes Breathing Difficulties? Breathing difficulty can be from exposure to allergens (see: natural remedies for allergies), exposure environmental toxins like strong chemicals, perfumes, smoke and other airborne particles, as well as bacterial or viral infections. It can also be because of heart and circulatory issues including high blood pressure or dental …
Read More »Essential Oils for Breathing
Essential Oils for Breathing One of the most common uses of essential oils is for respiratory and breathing difficulties. Choosing and using the right essential oil blends or individual oils can help you prevent breathing difficulty and get lasting respiratory relief. It can also help expel excess mucus and cleanse your lungs. You will discover the very Best Essential Oils for Breathing Easier below. Organic Essential Oils for Breathing Difficulties make a big difference and don't have any harmful side effects like chemical medicines do. Essential oils for breathing easier are highly purified natural plant extracts that are super condensed into small drops that carry the full healing power of the whole plant. They are so powerful they are naturally antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal. Specific individual essential oils and complementary essential oil blends have amazing lung cleansing capabilities, help relieve sinusitis and respiratory conditions. I use them before I go out to an area with lots of people where there can be a lot of smoking or before visiting a person in a hospital or on a cruise where you are around people from all over the world. What Causes Breathing Difficulties? What Causes Breathing Difficulties? Breathing difficulty can be from exposure to allergens (see: natural remedies for allergies), exposure environmental toxins like strong chemicals, perfumes, smoke and other airborne particles, as well as bacterial or viral infections. It can also be because of heart and circulatory issues including high blood pressure or dental problems. …
Read More »Best Essential Oils for Cough
Best Essential Oils for Cough One of the best uses of organic therapeutic grade essential oils is in respiratory system challenges like coughs from colds, sinus problems and sore throats. Using the right essential oil blends or individual oils can help you prevent and get lasting relief from dry cough due to itchy, scratchy and sore throats better than anything else. It can also help expel excess mucus if you have a wet cough. You discover the very Best Essential Oils for Cough and how to apply them to get fast relief from your sore throat. Organic Essential oils work so well because they are highly purified natural plant extracts that are super condensed into small drops that carry the full healing power of the whole plant. Specific individual essential oils and harmonious essential oil blends have amazing cough suppressing abilities, help relieve sinusitis and respiratory conditions. I use them before I go out to an area with lots of people where there can be a lot of smoking or before visiting a person in a hospital or on a cruise where you are around people from all over the world. What Are The Causes of Coughing? What are the causes of coughing? Coughing is frequently due to allergies from food or exposure to environmental toxins like strong chemicals, perfumes, smoke and other airborne particles, as well as bacterial or viral infections. If you also have an infection it can also cause cold symptoms and a headache, …
Read More »Essential Oils for Immunity
Essential Oils for Immunity Essential Oils for Immunity can help you prevent being infected with airborne contaminants in your home, office or living space. It can help speed your recovery if you catch something while out too. It can ease the symptoms of cold, flu or respiratory infection and speed your recovery time exponentially (by many times.) Jade Bloom has an excellent natural immunity protection kit for that. It starts with the Defend Organic Essential Oil blend. It contains the very best Essential Oils for Immunity Boost you can get in one easy to use oil. Also included is the best hand sanitizer made not with harsh chemicals but natural essential oils that protect you from carrying or spreading any infection you come in contact with. The buck (or microbial attack) stops there! And it is completed with the most potent oil for immunity boosting, black cumin seed oil. It has been used since ancient times to rid your body of infectious organisms while leaving the healthy ones to do their job. It was said to “cure everything but death.” And I personally think they were on the right track with that saying. Use the best essential oils for immunity and be prepared for anything. Defend Essential Oil Blend What is the Defend Essential Oil Blend? Defend Immunity Blend (pictured above) is formulated with the best organic essential oils know to be antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial. It can help prevent and relieve respiratory cold flu symptoms …
Read More »Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
Ylang Ylang Essential Oil Ylang Ylang Essential Oil, is extracted from beautiful bright yellow ylang ylang flowers (Cananga odorata.). Ylang ylang are large tropical trees that are grown and cultivated in the tropical areas throughout Asia, especially Indonesia, Polynesia and the Philippine islands. Ylang ylang is prized for it's many uses and benefits of which you will learn shortly. What does ylang ylang smell like? Ylang ylang has a sweet flowery fragrance. The word ylang ylang means “flower of flowers” and was given its name because of the sweet floral highly fragrant scent it gives off. It is one of the main flower extracts used in the timeless classic perfume Chanel No. 5. It is also one of the most treasured and sought after essential oils. You'll see why ylang ylang essential oil is so beneficial to have in your home and holistic medicine kit. What is Ylang Ylang Essential Oil Good For? What is Ylang Ylang Essential Oil Good For? Organic Ylang Ylang essential oil has so many uses. It is a fragrant and highly aromatic essential oil. Essential oil of ylang ylang is valued because modern research shows that it has positive effects on your immune health, blood flow and positive emotions, making it a natural remedy for your mind, body and spirit as well as many of your body's systems like your endocrine glands, cardiovascular system, reproductive system and digestive system. Ylang ylang essential oil is especially good for the following: Ylang Ylang Essential Oil …
Read More »Clove Bud Essential Oil
Clove Bud Essential Oil What is Clove Bud Essential Oil? Clovebud Essential Oil is extracted from the bud of the clove plant. It has a very strong aroma and flavor like cinnamon but stronger. Organic clove bud oil has amazing health benefits and many uses. It is a natural antiseptic, antimicrobial and potent pain reliever. When you have a toothache, this is the exact essential you should be running for. It can not only relieve your tooth pain quickly, but actually help heal the infection that caused it. Essential oil of clove is one of the best smelling essential oils. It can bring back memories of the holidays and is a mood lifting scent when used in aromatherapy or diffused throughout your home or car. It is also good for immune boosting (cold, flu relief), skin infections and thyroid balancing, particularly for hypothyroidism and goiter relief. For earaches, throat pain, tooth pain or severe toothaches nothing is better than organic clove bud essential oil as it is naturally antiseptic and pain relieving! Essential Oils for Tooth Pain Essential Oils for Tooth Pain is the #1 use of clove bud oil. It naturally numbs your tooth pain so you can get through your day or get to sleep at night. I've had this a few times where the pain was so bad it woke me up cold in the middle of the night. I applied it directly on the sore tooth, and in about 15 minutes I was …
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