Single Essential Oils

Clove Bud Essential Oil

Clove Bud Essential Oil What is Clove Bud Essential Oil? Clovebud Essential Oil is extracted from the bud of the clove plant. It has a very strong aroma and flavor like cinnamon but stronger. Organic clove bud oil has amazing health benefits and many uses. It is a natural antiseptic, antimicrobial and potent pain reliever. When you have a toothache, this is the exact essential you should be running for. It can not only relieve your tooth pain quickly, but actually help heal the infection that caused it.   Essential oil of clove is one of the best smelling essential oils. It can bring back memories of the holidays and is a mood lifting scent when used in aromatherapy or diffused throughout your home or car. It is also good for immune boosting (cold, flu relief), skin infections and thyroid balancing, particularly for hypothyroidism and goiter relief. For earaches, throat pain, tooth pain or severe toothaches nothing is better than organic clove bud essential oil as it is naturally antiseptic and pain relieving!      Essential Oils for Tooth Pain Essential Oils for Tooth Pain is the #1 use of clove bud oil. It naturally numbs your tooth pain so you can get through your day or get to sleep at night. I've had this a few times where the pain was so bad it woke me up cold in the middle of the night. I applied it directly on the sore tooth, and in about 15 minutes I was …

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Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus Essential Oil Organic Eucalyptus Essential Oil, what is Eucalyptus Oil and where does it come from? The essential oil of eucalyptus comes from the mighty eucalyptus trees, which are native to Australia and New Zealand and now grown and cultivated all around the world. Particularly in warm climates. Eucalyptus essential oil has been used for thousands of years, particularly by the aborigines of Australia as a potent and healing natural medicine.   The oil of eucalyptus is extracted from its leaves and flowers using a method called steam distillation and it is naturally antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial. It naturally repels insects like mosquitoes and ants and can help heal bug bites as well. It is very fragrant and can unblock stuffy noses and sinuses like nothing else. It is a respiratory system tonic and heals and protects. It is an excellent pain reliever, particularly for arthritis joint pain relief and muscle pain. It is also used in fragrances and as flavoring for foods.     Benefits of Eucalyptus Essential Oil What are the Benefits of Eucalyptus Essential Oil? Organic eucalyptus essential oils have a myriad of natural health and beauty benefits that can make you look and feel better than ever. They give natural topical pain relief like nothing else. It is an amazing smelling fragrant essential oil and one of the top oils in my personal collection. Here are the top health benefits of eucalyptus oil: Respiratory System Relief (Restores healthy bronchial function) Sinusitis Relief (Clears out …

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Best Essential Oils for Allergies

Best Essential Oils for Allegies Best Essential Oils for Allergies. Almost everyone on earth has some type of allergy or another. Some people have many allergies to many substances, and some have one main allergy that they would like to prevent or avoid completely. Fortunately essential oils can help stop allergic reactions to a lot of common allergens and give you safe and effective relief without the side effects or wear off of traditional pharmaceuticals or over the counter medicines.   The best essential oil for allergy relief can stop those sinus allergy headaches that nothing else can! They can be applied topically (usually with a carrier oil like almond or olive oil), inhaled in an inhaler or used as aromatherapy in a diffuser. They are very powerful histamine blockers that can give you peace of mind when allergies attack!     What Causes Allergies What Causes Allergies? Allergies can be caused by foods, plant substances, chemical substances, pet dander (skin) and hair. It can be caused by pharmaceutical medicines (correctly prescribed or not,) cigarette smoke, and heavy odors like perfumes. They can be severe allergies that can cause an allergic reaction that can stop your heart or breathing (anaphylactic shock.)   Always have some essential oils on hand for your allergies so it never gets to a serious allerigic reaction. Here are the most common types of allergies that can be the cause of your allergies: Smoke (Tobacco, Wood Burning, Chemicals Burning, even Weed) Pet Allergies (Dander, Hair, mites …

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Essential Oils for Ear Infection

Essential Oils for Ear Infection What is the best Essential Oils for Ear Infection? There are thousands of bugs all around you at any one time. Most of the time they stay in their own space and feed off of nature. When your body gives off scents that they enjoy you become their prey, particularly with mosquitoes. Most bug bites are more annoying than harmful, excepting black widows and brown recluse spiders. Bee and Wasp stings hurt like heck, but are usually not overly harmful unless you hare allergic to their venom.   They can pierce your skin and cause irritation, bumps and severe itching. Fortunately there are specific essential oils for bug bites itching and pain relief that really help. They can even act a as natural insect repellent so you don't get bit in the first place. Stop being a target for these insects seeking to feed off your skin and blood by using the best essential oils for bug bites below.     What Causes Ear Infections What Causes Ear Infections? Ear infections are usually middle ear infections that can muffle your hearing or cause vertigo and tinnitus symptoms (ringing in the ears.) It usually causes fluid to build up in your inner ear making it difficult to hear, as well as it can affect your balance or make you feel dizzy. It is common for swimmers (swimmer's ear) because they get chlorine and pool chemicals into their middle to inner ear and it will lead to …

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Lemongrass Essential Oil

Lemongrass Essential Oil Organic Lemongrass Essential Oil is a highly aromatic essential oil that is used for cooking, mental and physical health improvement and insect control. It is also one of the safe essential oils to use on dogs. It is one of the best essential oils to use when mosquitos come buzzing around your home or outdoor adventures. It has many impressive benefits and uses and is a great addition to your natural first aid kit.   You can use organic lemon grass oil for aromatherpy either as drops on your clothing or with a difusser can help improve your mood, and that's why it is so good for people dealing with depression or seasonal affective disorder. It is naturally healing to the body and the mind. It blends harmoniously with other essential oils as a blend for many health and home improvemenet uses.     What is Lemongrass? What is Lemongrass and where does it come from? Lemongrass essential oil is made from the highly aromatic leaves or stalks of the lemongrass plant. It's called lemongrass because it smells just like lemon. Lemongrass is native to most tropical locations like Asia, Africa, Australia, India and Oceania. It is and has been used medicinally for thousands of years.   It is also used for cosmetic purposes because it purifies your skin, and improves the textgure of your hair. It energizes your hair follicles so they grow healthier and can stop skin infections. It is also a very tasty culinary …

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Best Lavender Essential Oil

Organic Lavender Essential Oil

Best Lavender Essential Oil Lavender Essential Oils are probably the most common organic essential oils you've heard of. Everyone knows what beautiful lavender flowers look like and how great they smell. It is that appealing for a reason; the Best Lavender Essential Oil is an absolute powerhouse of an essential oil and is an amazing healer to your mind, body and spirit! It it well known and used regularly by those that deal with emotional issues like anxiety, panic attacks and depression. It is a nervous system tonic, which is why it works so well in bringing you emotional and mental relaxation during times of peak stress.   Organic Lavender Essential Oil is also a wonderful essential oil for skin irritation and infections from cuts, to scrapes to bruises. It can help you when you're dealing with fungal or yeast infections too. It is one of the few essential oils that you can put directly on your skin without a carrier oil. It is great when you have breathing issues like allergies, asthma or bronchitis and can be used in an inhaler or diffuser. All you need is a drop or two to unlock it's amazing healing power and reap the benefits of it's calming and highly pleasant fragrance.     Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil What are the Benefits of Lavender Essentail Oil? Lavender Oil is one of the best essential oils for anxiety, stress, panic and depression relief. It soothes your nervous system to calm your mind and …

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Best Essential Oils for Sleep

Best Essential Oils to Sleep

Best Essential Oils for Sleep Sleep deprivation is becoming increasingly common now days. It affects how you look, how you think and how you feel. It leads to serious illness like heart attack, hypertension (high blood pressure,) diabetes, weakened immunity (autoimmune issues,) arthritis and even ages you prematurely. Using the right essentail oils for insomnia you prevent this from happening so you can look and feel your best. It helps your social life too as you're not yourself when you haven't slept well. Discover the very Best Essential Oils for Sleep.   How do essential oils help with insomnia? Organic Essential oils work so well because they work on your emotions, mind and nervous system. The most common cause of insomnia is an overactive mind. One that is worrried about what may come or regrets from the past. These are things you have no control over, so it is wasted time and mental energy. Essential oils help relax your mind, boosts your mood so you don't feel so stressed about what you can't control. They allow you to just fall asleep so you can get the rest you need to be able to think clearly and feel great when you wake up.     What Causes Sleeplessness What Causes Sleeplessness? The inability to fall asleep or stay asleep for at least (6-9) hours per evening is referred to as Insomnia. Chronic insomnia is usually caused by stress. Stressful thoughts of any kind can keep your mind awake with emotionally charged …

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Best Essential Oils for Anxiety

Best Essential Oils for Anxiety Essential oils work on the emotional and psychological levels first and foremost. That's why they shine the brightest for conditions like Anxiety, Depression, Stress Relief, Nervous Issues and Chronic Phobias. Using the right essentail oil for anxiety can help prevent the feelings of panic (and panic attacks) and leave you feeling calm and balanced, even in the eye of the strom. Discover the very Best Essential Oils for Anxiety and how to apply them to get fast relief from your symptoms of anxiety or panic. There is a specific essential oil for anxiety that works better than any other. And then there are alternatives you can use if you'd like an even more economical anxiety essential oils.   I personally like all of the three recommended essential oils for anxiety relief because they all work really well. There is a special blend that works well that has a lot of harmonious essential oils that help your brain and nervous system just unwind and relax so you don't have to feel panic from stressful situations or thoughts. The best organic essential oils for anxiety I recommend are Blue Tansy and Kasmir Lavender. After that you can use Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, Frankincense and organic CBD oils (best when combined with organic essential oils) for more severe anxiety or to prevent seizures or panic attacks. Great for depression relief too!     Blue Tansy Essential Oil Blue Tansy Essentail Oil is the best essential oil for anxiety and …

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